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What Is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant surgery is a hair restoration treatment in which your surgeon will remove the grafts from the donor area and then implant them into the balding areas of your scalp. Hair transplants are best used for androgenetic alopecia, which is also known as male-pattern baldness. This is because your surgeon will take the grafts from your neck containing hair follicle resistant to the effects of androgens which are responsible for male-pattern baldness. However, this method does not work for hair loss caused by autoimmune diseases or diseases that come back and cause hair loss again following the surgery.

Hair restoration surgery can also cover eyebrows, eyelashes, beards, pubic hair, and mustache. You can correct any hair area of your body as long as you have enough hair follicles in the donor area. There are a variety of methods to perform the procedure. Your doctor will choose between FUT, FUE, and DHI methods. Most doctors prefer FUE and DHI as these methods are minimally invasive and more advanced as compared to the FUT method. In FUT, there will be a scar after the surgery; however, in FUE and DHI, your doctor only makes small incision in the donor area, leading to no scars. Also, the risk of infections and complications is low in FUE and DHI.

hair transplant clinic

Which Hair Transplant Clinic Is The Best?

Hair transplant clinics are the places your surgeon will perform hair transplant surgery. So patients are hesitant about the best hair transplant clinic since they want to be sure to have such a surgery that will change their hair look completely. So you should consider a lot of issues to choose the best hair transplant clinic.

First off, you would not like to get infected during the procedure. So it is a very important factor if the clinic meets the hygiene standards. The hair transplant team including nurses, assistants, and surgeons, as well as the operating room and surgical instruments, should comply with the rules of hygiene.

It is also important that the team is experienced and skilled in hair transplants. You should make sure that your doctor has the necessary knowledge and experience and is a 

professionally trained surgeon. Also, the nurses and assistants should be skilled and trained in assisting hair transplants.

Also, the hair transplant clinic should have up-to-date and advanced technology, all the necessary equipment. And most importantly, both the clinic and the surgeon should have positive feedback from their patients. If most patient reviews are negative, then it is more about the clinic’s quality rather than the patients’ preferences and expectations.

choosing a hair transplant clinic

What Are The Features Of The Best Hair Transplant Clinics?

There are so many hair transplant clinics that it may be difficult to choose between them. They promise many benefits to attract as many patients as possible, which gets the patients confused about which hair clinic to choose to best meet their needs and expectations. It will be easier to decide which hair clinic is the best for you if you consider the features of the best hair transplant clinics. Here are the features of the best hair transplant clinics:

  • Use of most advanced hair transplant technology
  • Focus on treatment options for a particular patient
  • Experienced surgeons
  • Detailed examination of the patient
  • Clean and comfortable environment
  • Patient care is the priority
  • A global reputation for excellent results
  • Patients from all over the world
  • Use of best hair transplant techniques such as DHI and micromotor FUE
  • Post-operative follow-up and monitoring

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