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You should take good care of your scalp especially during the first days after a hair transplant procedure because the newly transplanted hair follicles will be in the process of holding on to the scalp. Since the sie of surgery will still be more sensitive you will need to take the necessary measures for a smooth recovery period. It is very important to listen to your doctor's advice and follow his instructions.

Tips For The First week After Hair Transplant

In the first week after hair transplantation, your doctor gives you the necessary information about the things to do and things to avoid. Here are the things to the and things to avoid during the first week after a hair transplant:

Dos and Don-ts one week after a hair transplant

Hair wash

Patients are generally worried about hygiene and would like to keep their hair clean. However, you should not wash your hair immediately after the procedure. On the day of surgery, you will have a bandage on your scalp and your doctor will tell you to keep your hair away from water. Your doctor will first ask about your hair 2 or 3 days after the hair transplant procedure. A few days later, you will wash your hair at home and keep washing it every day for the next two weeks. You will also use a lotion to help fall out crusts forming on your scalp after the surgery. You should apply the lotion gently to your hair and never rub your scalp as it can hurt the newly transplanted hair follicles.


You should not go in the sun and protect your scalp from the sunlight. Although this rule especially applied to the first week, your doctor will advise you to stay away from the sun for approximately three months. You cannot go out in the sun for the first three to four days because you should not wear a hat for the first three days following the surgery. However, you can go out in the sun after three days as long as you wear a hat that covers your scalp well.

Sleep and rest

After the hair transplant procedure, you do not have to stay in the hospital. However, you should stay away from daily activities for at least one day as your body needs some rest. You can go back to normal life in a few days following the surgery but until you feel completely ok you can take some days off.

You can prevent edema during the recovery period if you adjust the sleep position right. So you need a pillow right behind your back to keep your head up at 45 degrees. You should not lie down for at least a week to keep the area of surgery from pressure.


You should avoid any kind of exercise for about one week after a hair transplant. You can do yoga and walk after one week. However, you should avoid heavy exercises until your scalp completely heals. You need to protect the newly transplanted hair follicles from damage. Your doctor may extend this period up to a month. The exercises you should avoid include fitness, swimming, and running. Click here to read more.

first week afterhair transplant


You should stop taking blood thinners for a week before and after the surgery. You should avoid blood thinners such as aspirin as well as vitamin supplements and herbal teas that may have a similar effect. These substances have blood-thinning effects and may increase the risk of bleeding. You should only use the medications prescribed by your surgeon until they say you are free to use other medications and supplements.

Alcohol and smoking

You should avoid both alcohol and smoking after a hair transplant procedure. The reason why you should avoid these substances is about the risk of infection and healing of the hair follicles. Alcohol may cause nutritional deficiencies, which may delay the healing process. Your hair follicles need a sufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals to heal and grow. Plus, alcohol and antibiotic can interact. Therefore, you should avoid alcohol at least one week after a hair transplant procedure. Smoking also impairs blood circulation to hair follicles. If there is not enough blood to the hair follicles then they cannot receive the essential nutrients. If your hair follicles do not get the essential nutrients then they may not hold onto the scalp or grow strong and thick.

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