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What Is A Sideburn Transplant?

A sideburn transplant is a procedure that covers the bald areas on your sideburn to give you a masculine look. Sideburn hair loss may cause thin or sparse hair in these areas. You may also like to cover acne scars or facial imperfections with hair in these areas. So it is a cosmetic surgery with various advantages.

A sideburn transplant is a surgery that will be conducted by a plastic surgeon. They will take out your hair follicles from the donor area and transfer them to the sideburn areas to give you thick and bold sideburn. Sideburn transplant is more common than you may think as sideburn hair is associated with masculinity.  This type of hair transplant is not very well known but it is an effective treatment for both acne scars and sparse sideburn for many patients who would like to get the masculine look they aspire for.

sideburn transplant

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Sideburn Transplant Procedure?

Although anyone with sideburn issues can have this procedure, there are some points to consider to decide if you are a good candidate for this surgery.

  • If you do not have autoimmune conditions such as alopecia areata
  • If your hair loss is not caused by chronic diseases that will return cause hair shedding
  • If you want to cover the acne scars over the sideburn areas
  • You have thin sideburn hair
  • You have your sideburn removed because of a facelift
  • Your sideburn hair is sparse due to years of ponytail hairstyle
sideburn transplant before after

Steps Of A Sideburn Transplant Procedure

Sideburn transplantation is a hair transplant procedure so your doctor will follow the same steps during the surgery. They will first conduct a physical examination and decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure. And then they will decide how many grafts to collect and which method to use. Thel will do the surgery using FUE or DHI method. Here are the steps of a sideburn transplant procedure:

  • Your doctor will first numb the sideburn areas and donor areas to prevent pain. So you will not feel any pain and will be comfortable during the surgery.
  • After applying the local anesthetic, they will start to take the grafts out from the donor area ( usually hair behind your scalp which is resistant to hereditary hair loss ).
  • Your doctor will probably take about 150 to 200 to cover sideburns.
  • Right after collecting the hair follicles, your doctor will open channels into the recipient area. But if they do the procedure using the DHI technique they do not need to open channels as they can open them and implant grafts at the same time with Choi implanter pen in DHI.
  • The newly transplanted hair follicles will be your hair and be resistant to hereditary hair loss. So you will not experience hair loss if you do not have autoimmune diseases that will come back and cause your hair to keep falling out.

Post-operative Care

A sideburn transplant very much like a standard hair transplant procedure so the recovery period and the post-operative care will be more or less the same. First, you need to keep your head and face from accidents. Therefore you need to avoid heavy exercises and do only mild exercises until you completely heal from the surgery.

You should also avoid water and not wash your face and head for three days following the surgery. There may also be occur swelling and bruising a few days after the procedure but rest assured they will get better in a few weeks. The redness is caused by the increased blood circulation to the newly transplanted hair follicles. The reason why there is increased blood circulation to the newly transplanted hair follicles is that they are in the healing process and need nutrients.

In about three weeks, your hair may fall out, which is called shock hair loss. Patients may get worried about such sudden hair loss as it is normal, and your hair follicles will not shed. So your hair will regrow in a few months but it will take about a year for them to fully grow and become strong after the surgery. You will have to wait almost a year to see the full results of the sideburn transplant surgery. Therefore, you need to be patient and stay calm to decide if you are satisfied with this procedure.

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