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Almost everyone can hair a hair transplant procedure; however, right planning and timing mean a lot when it comes to hair transplant with the best results. Even though there are no age restrictions to this procedure, there are still some rules to follow for the future success of surgery, as well as money-saving. Men can start to lose their hair on the scalp at an early age and may like to solve this problem as soon as possible. However, statistics show that it is generally the middle-aged men who have baldness issues. Women, on the other hand, experience androgenetic alopecia, also called female-pattern hair loss, after menopause.

when to get a hair transplant

When Is The Right Time To Have The Hair Transplant Procedure?

The age, gender, and the disease or problem causing hair loss are all determining factors for the best time for a hair transplant. It is very important to take all these factors into account before the surgery; otherwise, both the patient and the doctor may not be satisfied with the procedure. For example, it is very early for teenagers to have hair transplants as their hair loss pattern will continue to change over time. This is a period people have a lot of hormonal changes, which will contribute to the changes throughout the body. The stage of hair loss is another important factor to decide if the hair transplant procedure is necessary.

the right age for a hair transplant

Norwood Scale 

Norwood scale is a great tool to understand how severe is the hair loss and if the hair transplant procedure will do the patient good. This scale is consisted of seven stages, from the mildest, stage 1, and to the most severe, stage 7. Someone with stage 7 will most definitely need a hair transplant. However, someone with stage 1 or 2, may still have time for hair restoration treatment.

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People with stage 1 or 2 are usually young and they will not get to stage 5 or 6 before the age of 25. Therefore middle age seems to be the best time to have a hair transplant procedure. Although young people are not good candidates for this surgery, it is still you and your doctor who will decide on the best time to have a hair transplant. If your doctor decides that you need it immediately after taking into account your medical history and doing a physical examination, you can have it.


The season is an important factor in the success of a hair transplant procedure. You are not advised to have a hair transplant in neither summer nor winter because it is very hot in summer, and very cold in winter. You should not go out in the sun as it will negatively affect hair follicles in the recovery period, so you will have to pay extra attention during summer. You will need to protect your hair from rain and strong wind in winter so you will still have to pay extra attention. So the best time for a hair transplant is spring or autumn time.


Age is not an obstacle to a hair transplant procedure but as we said above you should be above a certain age to get the best results from the operation. If you are too young and your hair continues to fall out, a hair transplant procedure will yield only temporary results. You will have to have another hair transplant procedure in the following years. So best candidates for the hair transplant are middle-aged people with a steady hair pattern.   

Physical Health

If your hair loss is caused by a progressive or a chrınic disease, the hair transplant will eventually fail. For example, the alopecia area is an autoimmune disease that results in unpredictable hair loss in large spots. The patchy hair loss caused by alopecia areata will most probably recur after hair transplantation. Plus if you are allergic to anesthesia, you may not be eligible for the surgery. Also, your doctor will decide whether you can have the procedure if you have a chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer.

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The Bottom Line

There are a variety of factors to consider before deciding when is the best time for a hair transplant procedure. You and your doctor should take such factors as age, physical health, season, and the stage of hair loss into account to get the best results from the hair transplant procedure.

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