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Why Do Scabs Form After Hair Transplant?

Scabs are just a part of the natural healing process. Your scalp is operated on during hair transplantation, so your doctor has to make incisions, which are very small cuts, and open channels to implant the hair grafts into the recipient area. Even though this is a minor surgery with minimally invasive surgery techniques, it is still a medical procedure. Any surgical interventions in the human body, whether minimal or not, cause injuries at some level. After an injury, your body goes through the process of healing, during which scabs form and then fall out. The incisions cause bleeding in your scalp, and what bleeds will have to heal to stop bleeding, and new tissue will form on the injured area. So it is the crusts after hair transplant that stop the bleeding and serve as a protective structure that prevents the wound from getting infected and helps the tissue regeneration.

scabs after hair transplant

When Do Scabs Go Away After Hair Transplant?

The scabs do not stay for a long time on your scalp. For minor injuries, only a few weeks enough for them to go away. But still, there are other factors in play that may result in variations in time. Your immune system and the scope of the surgery can affect how fast the cells regenerate, the injuries heal and the scabs go away. However, they usually begin to form in a few days following the surgery and gradually fall out in just a few weeks after the surgery.

scabbing after hair transplant

How To Remove Scabs Fast After A Hair Transplant Procedure

Even though scabs will completely fall out in just a few weeks, you may still want to speed up the process. If you feel so itchy on your scalp and would like to feel like your normal self, there are some things to do to get rid of them fast. Removing scabs after hair transplant should be done very carefully. There is no safe time to remove scabs after a hair transplant but there are things you can do to help them fall out quickly. Here are the things to do to get rid of scabs after a hair transplant fast:

  • Firstly, you should keep your scalp clean and moist. So you should wash your head regularly. The first wash is very important and your doctor should do it. For the first three days, you should avoid touching and washing your hair. When your doctor says it is ok to do so, you can wash your hair ( or your doctor can wash it first to show you how to do it right ). Use warm water and never rub your head or never keep it under a shower as it may hurt the sensitive scalp and hair follicles. Use the lotion recommended by your doctor when washing your head. Spread the lotion on all scabby areas so there will be no place left. The combination of warm water and lotion will help soften the scabs so they will fall out easily and quickly.
  • You can also use petroleum jelly to keep the scabby area moist or you can use any kind of cream as long as it is recommended by your doctor. Moisturizers will also help to alleviate itchiness and scarring from the wounds.
scabs after hair transplant
  • Never pick your scabs, which will only aggravate the situation. You can cause more trauma and slow down the healing process. It may be very difficult to resist the itchiness but you have to avoid the urge to rub this area but use moisturizers when it gets itchy.
  • Until your head fully heals, you should keep it from irritation and sunlight so you should always cover your head with a hat that does not have direct contact with your scalp. Another trauma will slow your recovery and can cause further bleeding and injury.

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