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What Is A Hairline Lowering Procedure?

Also known as hair transplant for hairline lowering is a surgical procedure performed to reduce a high hairline. Hair transplant for forehead reduction is one of the most preferred hair transplant procedures. It may seem like a minor issue but for some, a high forehead can cause self-confidence issues. Because the forehead is a prominent feature in the face, problems with it can easily ruin the facial harmony. A face is considered beautiful if there is harmony and symmetry all over the face. Thanks to hair transplantation, people with high foreheads can correct this problem permanently. 

forehead hair transplant

Causes Of A High Forehead

There are two main causes of a high forehead. It is either congenital or caused by hair loss. The congenital forehead is a result of genetics. A person may have a genetically large forehead but as people get older, the forehead may get even more prominent. 

If the patient has male-pattern baldness then they will eventually end up with a high forehead. Male-pattern baldness will cause the condition to progress over time and the patient will never gain their previous hairline back unless they opt for hairline lowering. However, they may have hair loss issues for other reasons. If the hair loss is caused by a reason other than male-pattern hair loss, it may be temporary and when the condition is treated, forehead issues will improve.

Hair Transplant For Hair Lowering 

A hair transplant will provide the patient with permanent results and a hairline at the desired level. This procedure is the same as the other hair transplant. Your doctor will collect hair follicles from the donor area and then harvest them into the recipient area, which is the forehead. 

Another technique can be used for hairline lowering. In surgical hairline advancement, your doctor will remove 2-3 cm of skin to get the forehead smaller and give you a lower hairline. After taking the excess skin, your doctor will repair the surgery area with sutures. 

hair transplant in forehead

Benefits of hair transplant for hairline lowering

With hair transplantation for hairline lowering, the patients can get a more feminine look, restore their hairlines, and get thicker hair.

A feminine look:Some men may want to get a more feminine look if they had gender reassignment surgery. Men and women have different hairline patterns and a very high hairline can cause a person to look more masculine. So transexuals with a high hairline may eventually want to correct it in a way that will give them rather a feminine look.

Hairline recession:Some people may have a recessed hairline from birth. Either men or women, a recessed hairline can look like hair loss even if that is not the case. The hairline reduction will correct this false impression.

Baldness:Some people, especially the ones with male-pattern baldness, will lose their hair on the forehead. The typical characteristics of male-pattern baldness is hair receding from the temples, which may cause a high hairline. Hair transplant procedure will restore the lost hair and correct the unpleasant hairline.

foreheadhair transplant before after

How To Prepare For Hairline Lowering

Hair transplant procedure for forehead reduction is not different than the other hair transplant procedures. So you will prepare for a standard hair transplant surgery.

  • You should stop taking blood-thinners at least one week before the surgery. Otherwise, you may experience bleeding issues. You should avoid herbal teas or supplements, as well as blood-thinning drugs like ibuprofen, because they may also have anticoagulative effects.
  • Avoid consuming salty food and alcohol because they may cause fluid retention and edema.
  • Stop smoking at least one week before the procedure as it will negatively affect blood circulation. Poor blood circulation will lead to slow healing.
  • Ask your doctor how to prepare for the surgery as they may have additional recommendations to strengthen your immune system and to get you ready for the procedure.

Post-operative care

Even though a hair transplant for hairline lowering is a minimally invasive surgery, you will still need time to recover completely. Your hair follicles will need a few weeks to recover and hold on to the scalp. So you will need to take care of your hair scalp for a smooth recovery period.

  • Do not wash your hair at least 3 days following the surgery. It is your doctor who will first wash your hair.
  • Keep your head away from sunlight for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid heavy exercises like swimming, running, and fitness for at least a month.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking for at least one week.

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