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The Right Hair Transplant Method

It is important to use the right hair transplant method for the right person. The right method should be chosen taking such factors as the scalp condition hair density into account. The hair transplant method should fulfill the needs of the patient who will have the hair transplant surgery. For example, hair simulation is not suitable for a completely bald person. So there will be a combination of different treatment options for a particular person according to their complaints, needs, and scalp conditions. The following factors will have a direct effect on the success rate of a hair transplant procedure.

success rate in hair transplant

Tips Before A Hair Transplant Procedure

Hair Thickness

Hair thickness is another major factor affecting the success of a hair transplant procedure. If the hair in the donor area is thin, then the hair density following the hair transplantation will not be enough to cover the bald areas on the scalp. So the patient should have somewhat thick hair to restore lost hair. The donor area is generally the back of the neck but if you do not have enough hair in this area or it is just so thin, then your doctor can collect hair from other hairy areas of your body.


In FUE and FUT methods, your doctor will open channels in the recipient areas and then transplant the grafts to cover the bald patches. These channels should be opened correctly and the same number as the collected grafts.

successful hair transplant

Physicians' Experience

It is a well-known fact that an experienced physician will possibly make the right diagnosis, give the best treatment, and will fulfill the needs of the patient. The same rules apply to the hair transplant procedure as well. You need to make sure that your doctor has the necessary skills and experience in hair transplantation if you want to receive the best hair restoration treatment. Unfortunately, some doctors are just no professionals and send people to their homes without meeting their needs and sometimes providing them with incorrect treatment.

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Tips After A Hair Transplant Procedure

Lying Position:  You should keep your scalp from pressure for the first few days after the surgery. So you need to lie in a position that your head will be higher than your body. This will both protect the area of surgery and prevent edema.

Hair Washing:  You avoid washing your hair for the first three days after the surgery and when you wash your hair you need to use the lotion and shampoo your doctor recommends. Your doctor will wash your hair for the first time after the surgery with a lotion and warm water. Afterwards, you are going to wash your hair every day for two weeks. You should never use hot and cold water and avoid rinsing your scalp not to damage the newly transplanted hair follicles.

Sunlight:  You should avoid both sunlight and tanning beds following the surgery until your hair follicles are completely healed. UV light from sunlight or tanning beds can cause damage to your scalp. You should not go in the sun and not wear a hat for the first 3 days after the surgery. After 3 days, you can wear a hat and go in the sun; however, you should never go out without a hat for at least a few weeks. 

Alcohol and Smoking:  Alcohol and smoking are two things you should stay away before and after the surgery for a few weeks. Alcohol can cause nutritional deficiencies and smoking will disturb blood circulation. Your hair follicles need adequate blood circulation with essential nutrients to heal and grow.

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